Roasted Red Pepper Pesto

13:47:00 Unknown 0 Comments

I have recently changed my diet and to my greater disappointment found out that parmesan is not vegetarian. I also found out that vegetarian pesto is expensive! So, my solution was to make my own pesto. I had some red peppers left over from my chickpea salad, so I thought why not use them. Turns out homemade pesto is 10x better than store bought, and now I have loads on hand for sandwiches and pasta dishes. I hope you give it a try. 
Makes approximately one jam jars worth 


4 roasted red peppers (there are usually 6 in a large jar)
2 sundried tomatoes 
2 tbsp of olive oil 
a large handful of parsley (leaves and stalks)
2 garlic cloves, minced 
2 tbsp of paprika 
40g of vegetarian parmesan (or regular) 
25g of roasted pistachios (you could also used roasted almonds, cashews or walnuts), roughly chopped


  1. Optional: fry your garlic cloves and paprika on a gentle heat before adding to you food processor. 
  2. Add all your ingredients to a food processor and whiz up until get your desired texture! Season with salt and pepper. 
  3. Super easy, I hope you enjoy :) 
I served mine with courgette and orzo for dinner last night, and on my toast for lunch today.

On toast from my instagram

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