Strawberry and Peach Salsa

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The hiatus is over! Admittedly, in huge part to friends encouraging me to start posting again. Nothing is as motivating as flattery it seems. Unfortunately, my camera is still broken, but fortunately, in large part to me being unemployed. Yes, fortunately unemployed as it means I am still in medical school. That means that photo quality for the foreseeable future may not be up to the same standard as previously, but more importantly, the recipes will be. These salsa photos were taken with my old, intact DSLR, but rest assured, iPhone quality photography to follow.
            A peach and strawberry salsa may not seem season appropriate, but whilst I figure my life out aka, term starts, I have gone into the archives. Perhaps this summery sauce will bring some colour into the grey autumn. Shopping seasonally is overrated? No, its not, but alas if you are feeling the cold weather blues, give this recipe a try. 


·       6 medium sized peaches
·       6 large strawberries 
·       a large handful of fresh coriander
·       juice of 1.5 limes 
·       3-4 spring onions (depending on size, light green and white parts only)
·       salt and pepper to taste 
·       juice of 1.5 limes 


·       Finely peal and then chop the peaches. Add to a large bowl. 
·       Hull and finely chop the strawberries. Add to the bowl of peaches.
·       Finely chop the coriander and spring onion; add to the bowl as well. 
·       Juice the lime and pour over the salsa.
·       Season with salt and pepper, combine. 
·       Taste and make seasoning adjustments if necessary. 
·       Enjoy with some pita chips or corn tortillas. Alternatively, this salsa pairs perfectly with fish tacos such as my salmon tacos featured in the picture below. 

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