The Perfect Ramen Egg

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Now this may shock you, but I have only had ramen once. I know, crazy. But, once is enough for me to fall in love, you know...with ramen. But specifically, the egg. Oh my, that egg. My boyfriend loves ramen, and will always order it given the chance. So I've seen that super rich, deep orange yolk, just set. This weekend was the first time I tasted it, and I think I'm a convert. I am no longer team soft boiled. A new middle ground has emerged for me, the medium boiled egg. A few people know how much I am obsessed with eggs, so this is really something else for me. My budget eggs are not as orange or quite as big as the super free range, large eggs they get at restaurants. BUT it is still good, and it's the technique that matters. 

So... for your perfect medium boiled, ramen egg. You will need 7 minutes boiling time and an ice bath. 

  1. Bring a small sauce pan to boil. You just need enough water to cover the egg. If you are cooking more than one egg it is important not to overcrowd them. Less is more here. 
  2. Bring your water to a rolling boil, then turn it down to a steady roll. 
  3. IMPORTANT! If you are in the UK and keep your eggs in the fridge, just rinse your eggs under some warm water to bring them to room temperature before putting them in the boiling pan. 
  4. Using a slotted spoon (or spaghetti server if you're as classy as me), gently place your eggs in the boiling water. Again, slowly, not to shock the eggs. Shocking the eggs = leaking egg white aka, dreadful, wet ramen egg. 
  5. Boil for 7 minutes on a steady, even boil. 
  6. Meanwhile, prepare a bowl of ice water. Just tap water is not going to cut it. You need to stop this cooking immediately. 
  7. Once the 7 minutes are up, gently remove the eggs and place into the iced water. 
  8. Allow the eggs to cool completely and then peel! 
  9. For the perfect presentation, simply cut in half with a sharp knife. 
Now add to your favourite homemade ramen, a sandwich or just sprinkle with salt and pepper for tasty snack. 

Daaaayumn, just look at that yolk. 

Eggs are great paired with miso soup if you're a bad veggie like me and despise tofu. 

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