£20pp One Week Shopping List + Meal Plan

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Shopping List for 1 Week: 
6 Dinners, 4-5 Leftovers, 5 Days of Snacks, 5 Days of Breakfast and Lunch for 2 People 

Creating this post is something I have been toying with for awhile. I am pretty sure my new friends at university already appreciate how obsessed I am with food. One thing everyone does like to talk about though is how to save money. I have sort of perpetuated this idea that I am the queen of meal plans. I firmly believe that they help you save money. I have tried to encourage my parents to do it as well, but not with too much luck. I appreciate that not everyone is meat-free and not everyone just has to feed just two people. The take home message is still the same though, planning your meals saves time, effort and money. It is so much quicker to cook a meal when everything is already bought and planned out for you. I order all my food online, once a week, making the whole process easier still. 

This meal plan is exactly what I ordered and exactly what I cooked last week. I have enjoyed all of these recipes, and so I hope that if this whole list doesn't inspire you that at least one meal will. The great thing about planning out dishes is that you can have a more pricey option one night, say fish, and then have a delicious but cheaper alternative, like the soup, another night. Since I am student, I try to make most of these dishes leftover and tupperware appropriate as well! 

1 loaf of whole grain, seeded bread  (800g) 
300g cup mushrooms
2 x 400g frozen raspberries
1 bag of clementines
 2 x 500g cod loins
 300g of frozen vegetarian sausages
500g courgettes 
2 x 4 pint of milk

8 crumpets 
150g ball of mozzarella

 600g carrots
2 x 500g of parsnips

 6 mince pies
 12 medium free range eggs

 600g cherry tomatoes
 250g of butter

3 x 400g tinned tomates
250g gnocchi

350g jar of tomato sauce

500g of risotto rice

500g of whole wheat pasta

1kg of porridge oats

250g soft dates

1 250ml bottle of balsamic glaze

Total Cost: £40.44 (£20.22 per person) or $61.41 ($30.71 per person)

Monday: Tomato and mozzarella risotto 

Tuesday lunch:  Leftover tomato and mozzarella risotto 
Tuesday: Tomato and thyme poached cod 

Wednesday lunch: Eat at home or buy a sandwich 
Wednesday: Gnocchi with egg and sautéed spinach 

Thursday lunch: Leftover tomato and thyme poached cod 
Thursday: Slow cooked tomato, courgette and mushroom with scones 

Friday lunch: Leftover slow cooked tomato, courgette and mushroom with scones 
Friday: Spaghetti 'Bolognese' 

Saturday: Parsnip soup 


Tomato and mozzarella risotto: Dinner x2, Lunch leftovers x2
jar of tomatoes
ball of mozzarella
1 tbsp of butter
250g of risotto rice
1 tsp of balsamic vinegar  
350g jar of tomato sauce 
(2 stock cubes)
(salt, pepper, thyme) 
(1 yellow onion)
(2 cloves of garlic)

Tomato and thyme poached cod: Dinner x2, Lunch leftovers x2 
500g of cod 
1 tin of tomatoes 
(1 tbsp soy sauce)
(1 onion) 
(1 garlic clove)
(salt, pepper, thyme)

Spinach gnocchi with egg: Dinner x2
1 pack of gnocchi, boiled and then sautéed in butter
2 medium eggs
1 handful of cherry tomatoes
(sautéed spinach) 

4 crumpets
1 tin of tomatoes
300g of mushrooms
300g of courgette
(150ml of red wine)
(1 onion)
(2 small cloves of garlic)
(1 stock cube) 
(thyme, salt and pepper) 
(1 tbsp of flour)
(1 tbsp of fruit jam) 
(1 tsp of sugar) 

Spaghetti 'Bolognese'*: Dinner x2, Lunch x2

400g of meat free sausages 
1 tin of tomatoes 
50g of butter
2 cloves of garlic 
150g of carrot
150ml of milk 
150ml of red wine 
250g of spaghetti 
1 tbsp of balsamic glaze 
(1 onion)
(2 cloves of garlic)
(salt and pepper)

Parsnip soup*: Dinner x2, Lunch x2 

150ml of milk
1kg of parsnips 
250ml of water 
(2 garlic cloves)
(1 onion)
(salt and pepper) 


Snacks/ Dessert 

Mince pies 

Additional Lunches

Eggs multiple ways with toast, tomatoes (add greens) 

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