Simple and Light Kedgeree

16:51:00 Unknown 3 Comments

I was in the mood for a curry, but one without all the calories. Since it is revision time here in the UK, I am in the mood for quick, filling and healthy meals. Especially since all this revision is seriously cutting down on my motivation to exercise. This kedgeree dish is based on Jamie Oliver's  with some tweaks to suit my tastes and budget. It still is under 300 calories! Hope you enjoy :)


2 large eggs
2 medium sized fillets (I used de-frozen pollock)
2 bay  leaves
170g of cooked rice, basmati preferably
1 tablespoon of butter or ghee if you've got it!
about 1 tablespoon of fresh, grated ginger
1 brown onion, finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/2 tbsp of mustard powder
2.5 tablespoons of curry powder (I used medium)
1/2 a red or green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
1-2 tablespoons of fresh coriander
3 large tomatoes, deseeded and chopped
juice from 2 lemons, 6 tbsp

Serve with greek yoghurt and toasted almonds.

Cooking Time!

  1. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes. 
  2. After they finish boiling, immediately transfer the eggs into cold water. When they have cooled, peel and quarter them. 
  3. Put your fish fillets into a pot with water and the bay leaves. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the skin if necessary. 
  4. Once the fish is cooked through, drain it and put it to the side to cool. 
  5. Saute the ginger, garlic and onion in the butter. 
  6. Once browned, add the mustard and curry powder. Combine well and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Add the lemon juice and tomatoes. 
  8. Finally add the egg, rice, crumble in the fish, add the chilli and half the coriander. Combine well.
  9. Serve with greek yoghurt and toasted almonds. Top with the remaining coriander. 
  10. Enjoy! 

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  1. WHen does the rice get mixed in?

    1. The rice should be mixed in when you add the egg and fish. I will make note in the recipe. Thanks for your comment :)

  2. How many does this serve Emma?
