Pimm's Inspired Salad: Fresh Strawberries and Cucumber Salad with Elderflower, Mint and Honey Syrup

20:18:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Original Recipe

This combination sounded weird until I thought of Pimm's! This fruit salad is very refreshing and a perfect dessert after a heavy meal. The original recipe is by Nigel Slater, but I heard saw it in the this in a youtube video by my favourite vloggers Aslan and Estée.


10 mint leaves
5 tbsp of elderflower cordial
3 tbsp of honey

half a cucumber
1 large punnet of strawberries

  1. Blitz the mint, cordial and honey in a food processor. Alternatively finely chop the mint, combine with all the ingredients and then strain out before adding to fruit. 
  2. Slice the cucumber length wise. 
  3. Using a spoon, scoop out the middle part. 
  4. Chop the cucumber in about 1 cm slices. Then chop again into quarters. 
  5. Chop the strawberries into quarters. 
  6. Combine the fruit in a bowl and then drizzle with the syrup. 
  7. Enjoy! 

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