Spiced Carrot Cake Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

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Nigella captured my heart when I as a little girl. People joke about her over-the-top sensuality and rather ridiculous descriptions of her food. I find that despite her rich vocabulary, her food is still simple, easy to follow and definitely not unapproachable. The warmth in her personality certainly adds to the warmth of her food. When I finally have my own flat, I hope to have an entire room dedicated to cookbooks just like hers. I may have to settle for a bookshelf though.

This cupcake recipe is from one of my favourite cook books, Nigella's "How to be a Domestic Goddess." I got the book for a bargain at a charity shop. Charity shops are an excellent place to find cook books without having to pay £20+ for one. I have slightly adapted the spices for the cake as well as omitting any raisins or nuts. If you are a fan of raisins or nuts, feel free to mix them in with the carrots. You should coat them in a bit of flour before adding them to the mixture to prevent them from sinking during the bake.  White chocolate chips would also be a deliciously decadent addition to this this recipe.

Cupcake Ingredients

Makes approximately 12 cupcakes 

100g of light muscovado or light brown sugar
175ml of oil (vegetable, sunflower or olive is fine)
3/4 tsp bicarbonate soda, for extra fluffy cake
2 large eggs
2 medium carrots, finely grated
zest of 1 mandarin or orange
225g of plain flour
pinch of salt
1 tsp of cinnamon
1 tsp of cardamon

  1. Preheat the oven to 200C and line the pan with cupcake cases. 
  2. Beat the sugar and oil together until smooth. 
  3. Add one egg and the mix well into the sugar-oil mixture. 
  4. Once combined, add half the flour as well the baking soda. 
  5. Next, add the the second egg and combine. 
  6. Add the rest of the flour, spices, citrus zest and the salt. 
  7. Mix well and then remove the mix from the standing mixer or stop using an electric mix. 
  8. Fold the carrots in with a spatula without removing too much air. 
  9. Evenly distribute the mixture into the cupcake liners. An ice-cream scoop is a good tool to use. 
  10. Bake for 20 minutes or until knife comes cleanly out through the cake. 
  11. Cool the cake in the tin to help maintain their shape. 
Frosting Ingredients 

This frosting is based on this recipe, and it makes a great cream cheese frosting. 

110g of unsalted butter, at room temperature
110g of cream cheese, at room temperature 
250g of icing sugar
1tsp of vanilla essence or extract 

  1. Cream together the butter and cream cheese. 
  2. Use a medium speed on a standing mixture or high on a hand mixer for about 5 minutes. 
  3. The finished produced should be smooth, airy and a lighter colour than the original mixture. 
  4. Slowly add the icing sugar to prevent spillage. 
  5. When you have finished the frosting should be thick and be able to hold a peak. 
When the cupcakes have cooled, frost them with the buttercream. Sprinkle on some cinnamon and add an optional walnut on top. 

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